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thats fine teen share an opinion of the minority! the majority of the people who have seen chooriyan loved it. the songs were FAR, FAR, FAR from ordinary tho. again, the movie is still the record holder for all of lollywood. its a shame you think its ordinary!
Posted 12 Jun 2003


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HOLY FREAKING COW!!! A FELLOW SAIMA FAN!!! WELCOME MYPAK!! you and i will be great friends i can tell u that right now. lol.

i was defending lady saima all by myself. finally i have a tag team partner!
Posted 11 Jun 2003


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all i know is this: i too have heard that it is a fact that 95% of the females which enter the entertainment industry in pakistan r from the "Red light" areas of the country. sad but true, from what i've been told.

as 4 the actors, shaan grew up DIRECTLY in front of the house that my grandmother lives in today! they've reloacted now, but remain in touch mith my nani constantly. he's an educated man, thats 4 sure.

and isn't mommer the son of a cricket player?? thats abt all i know.
Posted 11 Jun 2003


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stop encouraging him sapna. lol.

and tracker yaar.....the picture is only 2 years old (it was taken in june 2001). however if u want 2003 material from her yet 2 be released it is...

and she may look old....but she looks DAMN GOOD for a 41 year old lady.

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Posted 11 Jun 2003


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see?!?! so u liked SOMETHING about the movie right?! lol.

thor sutan chooriyan was my favorite song as well! as a matter of fact, that song and the scene following it were the two reasons i bagan to like saima! excellent acting! u should move to toronto canada, sapna! a multicultural city which has everything for every race!!

as 4 u teen're a lost cause! (j/k). if, after being from LAHORE PAKISTAN - the capital of lollywood, and having watched chooriyan, you STILL don't find anything special about saima...there is nothing i can do. lol. the movie SHATTERED EVERY POSSIBLE record in lollywood!!

and you said u liked the song karan mai nazara...well do you know who he (mommer rana) was singing about?!?!?!?!!!! do u know who the "shoni sassi heer" was?!?!!! it was SAIMA!!!! lol.
Posted 11 Jun 2003


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sorry 2 all, but miss sanam411 needs 2 know who saima is! i already stated that she's an actress who helped ressurect lollywood with the movie chooriyan. now here's a pic for u. hopefully this will end the "who is she" and "wats so special about her" questions that find their way in every post where i mention the poor broad. lol.

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Posted 11 Jun 2003


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lol. no problem miss sapna. lets put saima aside for a split second though...even i'm getting tired of spelling her name. LOL.

i was probably just like u. i was born and raised in north america, and i never gave pakistani movies a chance. I thought they were stupid, so i didn't even bother TRYING to watch one. then, this past march i was forced to watch the dumbest punjabi movie while in pakistan.....ever since, i've been a HUGE lollywood fan. even tho the movie was crap, some parts were funny and the crowd was freaking awsome. lol. you'll find the more movies you watch (if u ever do), the more used to them you'll get and some of them might actually be good. lol.

if u ever do decide to force yourself and watch just one movie from lollywood, even if it is without the crowd and atmosphere of pakistan ...may i suggest "chooriyan." u won't regret it, i promise!

let me know if u'll even bother trying. lol. i would love to hear your reaction after watching a paki movie!! [;)] then...who knows...u might even change your mind on u know who. LOL.
Posted 11 Jun 2003


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lol. rest assure sapna gee, i'm only 21. i hope to be 39, and even 45 someday insah'allah!
Posted 11 Jun 2003


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london ki hoor, saima is a pakistani actress. if you're pakistani you've heard about the movie chooriyan FOR SURE. u may not have seen it, but you had to have atleast heard about it. well......saima was in it, as the lead! u can see pictures of her on this website. click on the actresses section (of lollywood), and then...saima!
Posted 10 Jun 2003


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sapna gee, no i'm NOT 39 years old! where did u get that?! is it becasue i like saima?! lol. is it that hard to belive that i like an actress old enough to be my mom?!?!!! LOL.

and teentracker jinaab, i'm not 45 EITHER! lol.

i just turned 21 this past may.

Posted 10 Jun 2003


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oh no problem sapna gee! everyone has their favorites. saima happends to be mine (favorite). u guys can say whatever u feel like about her and her size. lol. we're all just having fun and discussing! i'm cool...![;)]
Posted 10 Jun 2003


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sapna gee, do u even know who saima is?! she IS pakistan's madhuri!!

madhuri is somewhat better tho i'll give u that. but the way i see it, they're both the same size. madhuri aint no stick person either.[;)]
Posted 10 Jun 2003


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ya'll scare me people. saima...fat??! koi akaal di dawaa khavo! lol.

who cares tho. the 3 of u can think what u want. she'll let her acting do the talking, as she always has. [:P]

polls or no polls...punjabi lollywood is owned by the lady.
Posted 10 Jun 2003


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teentracker saab, even based on looks saima beats these ladies, atleast in my opinion.

i think its obvious that we both severely disagree on lollywood actresses. lol. we'll leave it at this: you seem to like the younger generation of lollywood while i appreciate the older one. for me, saima is the be-all and end-all for lollywood. if she is not in a movie, i won't watch! and for you its probably the opposite.

so to end this long debate, i hope we can agree on this: saima is a plus for pakistan and has carried lollywood on her shoulders in the past and to an extent, presently as well. if not for her, there would be no lollywood (case in point - chooriyan, which saved the industry). she dominates the PUNJABI movies HANDS DOWN. HOWEVER sara,zara, meera, iman and all these ladies dominate the URDU portion of lollywood. these ladies are beginning to carry lollywood now, and certainly will carry the industry after saima exits. please tell me you can atleast agree on this! saima rules punjabi lollywood, and the other's, urdu lollywood!

so lets call a truce and end the madness. lol. no more talk of saima unless its relevant. cool??!!

aap bhi ffm, and saieen ji.....truce on the saima topic. everyone is probably getting sick of it. lol.

Posted 09 Jun 2003


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if ya'll think the above picture of saima depicts a fat lady...something is wrong with you. lol. i don't know why u have to call her fat?!
Posted 09 Jun 2003


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teentracker....this one hurts man..!

taking a shot at nusrat fateh ali khan?! pakistan's greatest gift to music?! yeh fact tho hum kiya...goray log bhi agree karthey hain.

so what if he was fat!? he sang like no other. thats why i like him. and saima can act like no other! thats why i like her. as for abida parveen....i don't know where she comes from?!?!!! LOL.

and saieen jee, mai aapko kiya bathoun??!...the special thing about saima is that she is DIFFERENT!! yes she is a little heavier/real than the other actresses...thats what makes her special!! don't u guys get it?!?! saima stands out! the rest of them are a dime a dozen! hopefully everyone will stop asking me whats so special about her, now.

people...does this looks like a fat actress to you????

now...the topic was meera and her signing indian movies. i saw an interview with her last night on a show called dream saturday on primetv. i might have missed it but she did not mention these films at all. who knows??

Posted 09 Jun 2003


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yaar, syed noor say poocho, vo heroine lagthee hai ya nahin!?!?!?!!!

last i checked, he was the best director pakistan has, and as we all know, he ALWAYS turns to saima.[;)][:D]
Posted 08 Jun 2003


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i FINALLY agree with teentracker on something! lol.
Posted 07 Jun 2003


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merbaani jinaab. you've made my day by atleast giving SOME credit to pakistan's top actress!

vasay, saima nai kiyaa kya hai, jo aap sub usko ITHNA hate karthey ho?!?!?! please explain!
Posted 07 Jun 2003


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did i bring up saima at all?!?! i was simply posting my view on these movies, without mentioning saima, and now you bring her up!!

as far as larki punbaban goes, its been filmed in malaysia, england and pakistan. production wise it SHOULD be good. acting wise, since saima is in it carrying the movie as usual, it WILL be good! larki punaban's story also looks intriguing. nonetheless ALL of these movies are bonuses for our country!

sorry 2 everyone if you're gettig sick of the saima talk. but i didn't bring her up!!! teentracker did! and i have an obligation to defend a talented actress like saima!
Posted 07 Jun 2003


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thats all i can say. watch out comes the new and improved LOLLYWOOD!! i'm extremely proud of this achievement. the movie and its site looks very good.

larki punjaban, pehla pehla pyar, salakhain, laaj, and urao jaan look/sound like MUST-SEE movies this coming year. good for pakistan!
Posted 07 Jun 2003


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all of her or love her, she still rules supreme over lollywood![:P] [;)]
Posted 07 Jun 2003


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khan-sahib even you have to admit the lady (saima) IS good looking. for a woman her age, she kicks ass!

i have a soft spot for saima obviously. don't make fun of her...[morph]!
Posted 07 Jun 2003


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HA-HA, very funny saieen saab. lol.

can we stop the saima bashing already!?
Posted 07 Jun 2003


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the solution is: sign saima to more movies!!

lol. happy teentracker?!!?!!
Posted 06 Jun 2003


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LOL. You're 2 much teentracker!

i agree that picking saima for being pakistani is going over, but i can't help it.

i also agree 100% that madhuri is hands down the best actress in bollywood. i don't watch ANY indian movie unless she is in it. HOWEVER....for pakistan, saima is the same. i won't watch a pakistani movie unless saima is in it! she too is a good actress. you're right that she can't dance as good as madhuri, and some of the other stuff. but madhuri is JUST AS OLD AS HER!! and she's NOT 350LBS. lol. common man!!

look.....i've agreed that head 2 head, madhuri IS a little better. BUT the least you can do for me is please confirm that you're joking when you call saima fat. because if you truly belive that she is THAT MOTI, then you're simply scaring me. lol. she's bigger than the others actresses, but NOT FAT in general. fi you really think she is fat then, you're giving me the impression that you're the kind of person that puts more stock on looks for actresses than other attributes!! and i don't want to belive that about a fellow pakistani and lahore-buddy!! lol.

can u atleast admit that about saima?!?!

Posted 06 Jun 2003


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i made a posting on this movie as well. looks good 2 me. can't wait 2 actually see it.

have u seen the movie or the commercials for it?! is it not coming out on aug. 14 2003?
Posted 06 Jun 2003


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i think saiee jee is wrong. MANY in lollywood know how 2 act.

downfall is too strong of a word. they're still alive! they're lack of success could be attributed to 2 things:

1)lack of fresh new storylines...a problem also effecting bollywood.
and 2) lack of exposure. they dont promote their movies NEARLY as much as bollywood. the dumbest bollywood movie starring the likes of sunil shitty, and some no-name broad are pushed down our throats! meanwhile a great lollywood movie with their biggest names doesn't promote half as much. obvisouly they won't garner as much interest.

Posted 05 Jun 2003


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i heard about this rumor as well.

if its true, meera is somewhat of a sellout.

she's the only one to be selected by an indian director because she's the only one who will be their puppet and do EVERYTHING they ask of her. lol.

others have been asked in the past (*coughs* saima!) to sign on for bollywood movies but they have refused citing patriotic reasons. good for them!
Posted 05 Jun 2003


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kiya ho gaya hai aap logon ko?!?!!!!

now she's not even considered a heroine???!! lol.

ya'll r 2 much. lol. lets give her SOME credit.

as 4 what is so special about siama, she looks more traditional, in my opinion. everyone looks the same in lollywood. she stands out in a crowd. thats just the way i see it!!
Posted 04 Jun 2003